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Tuesday, January 09, 2024, at 12:00pm – 1:00pm EST

Long-Term Care: The Problem and The Solution


The sustainability and quality of long-term care services in the United States face a looming crisis.

Long-term care (LTC) in the United States is dysfunctional, marked by nursing home bias, inadequate home care, dubious care quality, insufficient funding, caregiver shortages, over-stressed family caregivers, and rising inequities. Medicaid, the dominant LTC payer, is at the root of these problems. By offering late-life public funding that is easily accessible, Medicaid created a moral hazard that discouraged earlier private LTC planning. How to eliminate the negative incentives in Medicaid policy that discourage private LTC planning and payment is the main challenge facing policymakers in this area. Security, dignity, and care quality for America’s aging population hang in the balance.

Paragon’s virtual event “Long-Term Care: The Problem and The Solution” will present differing perspectives on long-term care from America’s top experts.

Panelists include:

Stephen A. Moses, author of Paragon’s Long-Term Care: The Problem and Long-Term Care: The Solution, and President of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform.

Richard W. Johnson, Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on Retirement Policy at the Urban Institute.

Mark J. Warshawsky, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and Former Deputy Commissioner for Retirement and Disability Policy at the Social Security Administration.

The event will be moderated and hosted by:

Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Age Wave.

Brian C. Blase, Ph.D., President of Paragon Health Institute.