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Friday, March 01, 2024, at 10:00am – 11:30am EST

Chasing the Ghosts of the Affordable Care Act

Almost 14 years ago, President Barack Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The law survived a series of legal and political challenges during its implementation, but they came at a cost to its initial ambitions. In a forthcoming study, “The Ghosts of the Affordable Care Act,” Miami University Law Professor Gabriel Scheffler examines the enactment-entrenchment trade-offs that limit the scope and durability of major social program legislation. The ACA was never repealed, but significant parts of it were “replaced” or discarded.At this forum, Professor Scheffler will examine the rules of the game that shaped the ACA’s survival and evolution. A panel of veteran health policy practitioners will offer a range of perspectives on how we got here and the implications for future options.Submit questions to [email protected] or on Twitter with #AskAEIHealth.

A light breakfast will be served.


10:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks:
Thomas P. Miller, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

10:15 a.m.
Gabriel Scheffler, Associate Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law

10:40 a.m.
Panel Discussion

Brian Blase, President, Paragon Health Institute
Charles N. Kahn III, President, Federation of American Hospitals
John E. McDonough, Professor of the Practice of Public Health, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Thomas P. Miller, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

11:15 a.m.

11:30 a.m.