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Joel Zinberg on C-SPAN to Discuss Freedom Wins Paper

Director at Public Health and American Well-Being Initiative
Joel M. Zinberg, M.D., J.D. is the Director of the Public Health and American Well-Being Initiative at Paragon Health Institute, and a senior fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute. A native New Yorker, he recently completed two years as General Counsel and Senior Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers in the Executive Office of the President.

Pedro Echevarria

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Paragon’s Joel Zinberg was C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss the findings of his new study Freedom Wins: States with Less Restrictive COVID Policies Outperformed States with More Restrictive COVID Policies, cowritten with Paragon’s Brian Blase, Eric Sun, and Casey Mulligan. Dr. Zinberg appeared on the program with host Pedro Echevarria on the morning of February 16, 2023. He fielded questions from the host and callers, and explained the general finding of the new research: “States with severe government interventions did not significantly improve health outcomes (age-adjusted and pre-existing-condition adjusted COVID mortality and all-cause excess mortality) compared to states with more restrained approaches. This may be partly because government interventions appear to have increased excess mortality from non-COVID health conditions.”

The full interview can be found below:

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